Thursday, April 7, 2011

Working Overtime May Increase Risk of Heart Disease

Long working hours are associated with increased risk for coronary heart disease. One thought is that people who work long hours may not take as good care of themselves and therefore have other risk factors for heart disease such as being overweight, high blood pressure, smoke, or have an increased incidence of diabetes. However, a new study showed that after adjustment for traditional risk factors, people working 11 hours or more per day had a 1.67-fold increased risk for coronary heart disease compared with participants working 7 to 8 hours per day.Study Published in the Annals of Internal Medicine

The bottom line is that many people do not have a choice about the hours that they work but that if they are working long hours they should make sure to do other things to keep their heart healthy such as exercising, getting enough sleep, eating a heart healthy diet, and doing enjoyable activities with people they like.
By aLos Angeles Women's Cardiologist

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